Monday, September 23, 2013

van gogh article #2

deven best
art 1
The article that i had to do research on is called "Newly discovered Van Gogh painting kept in Norwegian attic for years" by mark brown. The article is about the discovery of a new van gogh painting found in a attic called "Sunset at Montmajour". Since it was a painting by van gogh the article that i used to relate is called "van gogh's night visions" by Paul Trachtman. It relates to the article because it talks about how the painter was enterested in light. Also, it relates becuse it talks about what he got his insperating painting ideas from, facts about vans personality, and how he got some of his visions. This is how I related the two articles.

Trachtman, Paul . "Van Gogh's Night Visions ." smithsonian magazine. n.p., Jan. 2009. Web. 23 Sept. 2013. <>.

1 comment:

  1. Your grammar and format need some work. Next time make it longer and make sure to re-read once you are finished,
